How should tourism in the Dolomite region of the Seiser Alm be organised? What can it contribute in terms of overall development? How can rush-hour traffic be managed to make it bearable both for locals and for guests? And, above all: What should tourism contribute towards the future of the region?

Our tourism concept provides answers to precisely these questions. It is the cornerstone of every decision in the tourism sector and is a dependable reference material for the future development of tourism in the Dolomite region of the Seiser Alm. In addition to outlining the strengths and USPs of the area, it establishes tangible fields of action (goals), which form the basis of tasks and decisions on a daily basis. Alignment with the sustainability concept is the fundamental prerequisite for every action taken: Every one of these measures must be designed such that future generations will also benefit from their social, economic and, first and foremost, ecological impacts.

If we all pull together in equal measure, we can achieve greater things. The basis of the tourism concept was outlined in 2006, in a participative procedure with representatives from the tourism, economy, environmental and political spheres. This forged a shared awareness that all members must adopt the same measures and goals for a successful future that is worth living. At the same time, the individual villages in the area must define their own profile model and develop it within the guidelines of the shared model.

Ideally, the measures identified should enhance not only the tourism sector, but also artisan businesses, agriculture, commerce, service providers and the population as a whole. The Dolomite region of the Seiser Alm also aspires to becoming a role model, which develops the strengths of the area through well thought-out sustainable decisions and secures them in place for the future.