In South Tyrol, the Sustainability Label South Tyrol rewards destinations and facilities in tourism sector who are committed and contribute with concrete measures to making South Tyrol a more sustainable living space.
The Label is based on Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) criteria and was created in order to foster a widespread shared understanding of sustainable tourism in South Tyrol.
As sustainability is a longterm commitment, there are three levels of the label. The more criteria are fulfilled, the higher the level of the label. The third and highest level corresponds to the GSTC certification and is thus internationally recognised.
Sustainability Label South Tyrol for the Dolomites Region Seiser Alm
Since October 2023, the Dolomites Region Seiser Alm achieve all criteria regarding ecological, social, and cultural aspects. These were checked in an extensive audit by Green Destination and the destination was subsequently awarded the highest Sustainability Label, Level 3.
With this label, we want to clearly emphasise our commitment to sustainable tourism.
Sustainability Label South Tyrol for accommodations
Accommodation establishments can submit certifications they have already obtained in order to get the Sustainability Label South Tyrol.
Some accommodation facilities in the Dolomites Region Seiser Alm have already been awarded the sustainability label for sustainable development.